Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mind Fodder!

So I am reading yet another book. This one is "The 100 Year Old Lie", by Randall Fitzgerald and I wanted to point out some figures from his book for all you non-believers that nutrition is so important. (Obviously Nutrition is something we have control over...the environment on the other hand..)


Heart Disease 1% (Heart attacks were rare and almost unheard of by Doctors)
Cancer 3% (breast cancer in the 1960's rose to 1 in 20 women now it is 1 in 3)
Chronic Respiratory Diseases practically non-existent in the US
Diabetes .10% (one tenths of one percent)


Heart Disease 26 %
Cancer 23.1 %
Chronic Respiratory Diseases 7.4 %
Diabetes 3 %

So what has changed in these past 106 years?

Diet and the Environment that surrounds us. From the air we breathe, to the food we eat and the water we drink...even the chair you are sitting on! These burdens on our bodies has made this past 100 years of technological, pharmaceutical and chemical advancements, which were meant to improve our quality of life, has actually done the opposite. Look at the numbers again!

I cannot control the air I breathe. Well lets face it there is a lot I cannot control. BUT, I can control what I feed and rub on my body. What I clean my house with, spray on my hair and paint on my walls. I can eat organic, non-processed foods. No Sugar, No White Flour and No Hydrogenated Oils!

I have been detoxing my body and my house and I feel better for it!

As far as nutrition goes, I have started to call this the Quarter Pounder Diet! In the last 3 months of eating this way my husband and I have both lost on average a quarter of a pound a day of excess fat! I look great and best best best of all, I feel great.

Just something the chew on other than that artificial sweetener laced gum!

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